Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lessons of the Trail

When I was ten years old, I got the one and only spanking of my life and I still blame David Cook for that. He was at my house when we realized his mom was calling and she must have been hollering for a bit, because she did not sound pleased. Well, I figured we’d be twenty years old before he ever got his shoes tied, so I raced over barefoot to let his mom know that he’d be right home. Much to my shock and utter dismay, this “good deed” was promptly rewarded upon my return by a firm sting to my behind. In front of company, no less! The pain passed quickly, but I about died of shame. And after that, I made it a point to wear shoes while the rest of the kids on Diaper Alley romped around barefoot.

So you see, it’s really a miracle that I haven’t taken up running naked sooner. No, this is not extreme rebellion or even an extreme sport (although there are clothing optional races and that, quite frankly is not a race I want to see, let alone participate in). Running “naked” is just another way of saying “barefoot”. Still, for the first couple of weeks I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was doing something really indecent. Something deserving of no less than an old fashioned whoopin’. (Or a hypodermic needle in the foot.)

Let me say right off the bat that I am not writing this to make a case for barefoot running or even minimalist running. (Or to put the blame on my mom – this is after all DAVID's fault). I haven’t been running barefoot long and there are enough people out there who really know their stuff and don’t need me screwing up the facts. Arguably, I may even be disqualified from the “purist” barefoot community because I sometimes like to run on these Northern Michigan trails in “barefoot” shoes. (No – I’m not talking about Vibrams FiveFingers, the ones with toes, although I’d like to try those. And yes, this whole idea is fraught with contradictions… “five fingers” and “barefoot shoes”… but again, I’m not here to get into all that.)

All I am saying is that barefoot running/minimalist running seems to suit me for a whole lot of reasons, but one of the main reasons is it jibes with my running goal.

“What are you training for?”

I began to hear that question a lot as people became aware of the distances I was logging while running. It’s a fair question. Seems you can’t toss a rock on the VASA without hitting someone with a goal. I imagine that it is very gratifying to have the discipline to work hard to accomplish a running goal. To cross that finish line. I admire people who do it. They inspire me and I'd like to do it myself someday. The truth is I do have a goal and it is this… to run.

Today on the trail I’m breathing in the joy of meeting my goal. I run without pain. Better yet, I run without the burden of expectation and it frees my soul to play. I am ten years old and back at Diaper Alley, romping around without fear of reprimand. (OK – some people make it their goal to reprimand barefoot runners, but let’s ignore them!)

Barefoot running has given me this gift. It may even let me forgive David.

A Word About The Shoes!
I must say I LOVE these! I’ve dubbed my New Balance Minimus WT10’s – my very own “Nimbus 2000’s” just in time for HP7P2 this week! (I’m not a qualified reviewer - for those people I might suggest Jason Robillard's site or Angie Bee


David Cook said...

Sure...Blame it all on me. LOL. David

Anonymous said...

Don't worry... I forgive you. :)

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