Thursday, February 17, 2011

Setting Sun Over Michigan in Three Acts

One sun setting on an icy planet.  One sun setting the stage for ‘Setting Sun Over Michigan in Three Acts'.   With the days growing longer, we emerged from our dormant shells to document this single event; the waning light hitting our pods at the slightest of intervals, husks bursting forth to push people into the light all over the state.   The photographic evidence held all the mystery of an unexplained occurrence and captured attention on everyone’s favorite social network.  "Did you see it?"  "Here in Saugatuck we did!"  And in Traverse City.  And from my sister at the edge of no man’s land on the northern shores of Lake Superior (where I am sure she can see the North Pole from her house!).  It appeared in the sky like a beacon!  Like a sign!  Like a promise!  “Spring forward” is near.  And it’s more than something to rob an hour of repose or make everyone late for church some Sunday morning in the not too distant future.  Though we lie dormant, we are still hurling through space, pressing forward into the next season, earth peeling back layers of dark matter to break through to light; light giving birth to life.

Act 1: Saugatuck Sunset courtesy of Clay Lubber - 2/13/11

Act 2: Traverse City Sunset courtesy of Angela Josephine - 2/13/11

Act 3: Copper Bay Sunset courtesy of Gina Louis-Mercier - 2/13/11

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